Retired Employees Association of Orange County

Membership Information


Happy-SeniorsYou can actively participate in protecting your retirement benefits by joining REAOC like nearly 6,000 other retirees. The greater our membership, the greater our strength! If we are to protect current benefits and secure new ones, we need your support.  Association membership is limited to OCERS (Orange County Employees Retirement System) retirees and their spouses.

Membership dues are $3.00 per month, deducted directly from your pension check.


Follow these two steps to join REAOC:

  1. Obtain a membership application which are available by:
  • Writing REAOC at P.O. Box 11787, Santa Ana, CA  92711-1787
  • Emailing REAOC at to request an application
  • Calling the REAOC office at 714-840-3995
  • Printing the application (link below)

2.  Click here to download the membership application.

3. Mail the signed application via U.S. mail to the REAOC office at P.O. Box 11787, Santa Ana, CA  92711-1787 or, if you prefer, you may scan the membership application and e-mail it to our e-mail address of


Active Associate Guidelines: Any individual actively working for the County of Orange or other local government entity who, upon retirement, including deferred retirement, will receive retirement benefits from the Orange County Employees Retirement System (OCERS).

Benefits and Advantages:

  • Active Associate Member dues will be a reduced rate of $12/year (as opposed to $36/yr for regular REAOC members), payable by check (or cash) upon joining.
  • Attendance at the 5 yearly REAOC luncheons/business meetings and the opportunity to participate and ask pertinent questions.  Active Associate Members will have voting power and will be eligible to hold office upon retirement and full REAOC membership.
  • Active Associate Members will gain an appreciation and understanding of local, state and national retirement issues and their impact on current and future County retirees.  This information will allow Associate Members to make better, more informed and critical decisions during their remaining active employment years – decisions that could impact their retirement benefits. This involvement will also provide Active Associates members a more seamless transition into retirement.
  • Active Associate members will also be eligible to receive “The Informer” publication, the REAOC newsletter published five times yearly.
  • Upon retirement and full REAOC membership, Active Associate Members will be eligible to purchase the insurance coverage available to regular REAOC members, will be eligible to participate in the scholarship program and will also have access to OCEA benefits such as discount tickets, etc.

Click here to download the Active Associate Member Application.

Trouble downloading the applications?  The membership applications are in a PDF format. PDF (portable document format) allows you to view the application electronically on most computers. The freely available Adobe Acrobat reader is required to view and/or print the membership application.

Click here to download the latest version of Adobe Acrobat Reader.  After you download the free reader, click on the link above to PRINT the application.  If, for some reason you cannot use the Acrobat Reader or cannot print the form, please call the office at (714) 840-3995 and request a membership application be mailed to you.