Retired Employees Association of Orange County

Officers & Board of Directors

The Officers and Directors of the Retired Employees Association of Orange County, Inc., as required by the bylaws consist of President, Vice President, Recording Secretary, General Secretary, Treasurer, Immediate Past President, and four Directors.

The appointed delegate to CRCEA shall be an ex-officio member of the Board of Officers and shall be appointed by the President.



President:  Roger Hilton

Rosemary Flores

Vice President:  Dot Ronan

Sara Ruckle Harms

Past Presidents:  Linda Robinson and Doug Storm

Christina Lozada

Secretary:  Carol Wiseman

Blanca Ramos

Treasurer:  Sharon Tabata

Stephen Schrieber-Smith

Appointed Staff
CRCEA DelegateLinda Robinson
Informer EditorBuffy O’Neil
Legislative ChairDot Ronan
Membership ChairVacant
Scholarship ChairStephen Schrieber-Smith & Carol Wiseman
Board Watch ChairNorma Roberts