Mission of AREOC
Times have changed and it has become evident that REAOC must be prepared to defend and represent retirees on a variety of political fronts. To this end, the members of REAOC established a new adjunct organization in December 2008, the Association of Retired Employees of Orange County (AREOC). This is a 501(c) (4) corporation.
A mission statement answers the question of why we are here.
The mission of the Association of Retired Employees of Orange County (AREOC) is to protect retirees’ rights and benefits.
The values of our organization should reflect how we treat others and how we expect to be treated.
The values of the Association of Retired Employees of Orange County (AREOC) are:
1. Integrity – honesty
2. Inclusive
3. Informed – knowledgeable
4. Dignity
5. Communicative
6. Effective
A vision statement sets forth our ultimate destination, where it is we are trying to go. The vision of the Association of Retired Employees of Orange County (AREOC) is to be a recognized, unifying voice for the protection of retiree rights and benefits.
Click here to review the AREOC Bylaws.